These images are the result of a collaboration with AI. Referencing the URL of my original composition Overlook #23 as the source, prompts were entered into generative artificial intelligence program Midjourney to produce variations introducing neon colors, 3D form, a specific aspect ratio and specifying version 5.1 of the AI program.
QR code for Overlook #23
The video Æ✓ – Æçž✓≥✓Œ✓Ɔ ✓Ñž±çž±Ñž✓ÓÑ exhibits a unique written language using ASCII code characters not found in written English. This creates a unique language I use to communicate with AI. The textual content of the video will not be shared with the audience. The content of this text is known only by its creator and AI. This creates a unique personal relationship between the individual and artificial intelligence.
"When God fails us and love fails us we will beg technology for salvation."